A diary insert..


2 min readJul 15, 2024
Photo by Marco Bianchetti on Unsplash

Trigger warning ⚠️

I feel lost.

I feel alone.

Who am I ?

I don’t know the reflection that looks back at me in the mirror.

The only way out for me is death!!

I can’t see my way forward.

I can’t see a way out.

Through the fog that’s in front of my eyes, the thick , grey haze that obstructs my view.

Is there a life for me on this planet that isn’t consumed by addiction?

I spend so much time within the confines of my dark , intrusive thoughts đź’­ I live within the crevices of my mind, catching glimmers of light here and there.

The light feels like a far distant memory for me. The dark has become my comfort zone, it’s what I know and most importantly, feels like where I belong!!!

How sad is that!!

What happened to the old me ? Before addiction tore me and my life apart?

Who and where is that part of me?

What does she look like?

What does she sound like?

What clothes does she wear?

Where is she?




Writing has been my therapy and continues to be a part of my healing journey. Writing my way to the top.... Have faith